Trauma - Informed Training
We highly recommend community partners utilize Resilient Georgia's Training Roadmap. This interactive site allows you to identify trainings that are appropriate to your specific sector, as well as finding opportunities at different levels of competency: Trauma Aware, Trauma Sensitive, Trauma Responsive, and Trauma informed.
For more information or to learn how to schedule this training with your organization, department, parent group, committee or workgroup, please contact Gabrielle Stewart at
BRR's Trauma 101 Workshop
Workshop Purpose: the purpose of this presentation and associated activities and discussions is to increase awareness and understanding of trauma and its effects on children, brain development, behavior, families and our communities.
Our hope: to encourage participants to become trauma informed and/or trauma competent.
Participants of this workshop will learn about:
• Trauma and types of trauma including Adverse Childhood Experiences
• The Kaiser Permanente ACEs study
• Brain Development and the effect of trauma on the developing brain
• The relationship between trauma and behavior
• Resilience and building resilience in children and families
• Taking a Trauma-Informed/Competent Approach – 3 Pillars of Traumawise Care
• Resources for increasing knowledge and understanding of trauma and resilience
Region 1 - Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Plan Recommended Trainings

Region 1 's Child Abuse & Neglect Prevention Plan's (CANPP) goal is to assist the region in becoming a more trauma-informed and responsive community. For additional details or to see how you can become involved, reach out to ga.r1.canpp@gmail.
Help us build common language, download our common language vocabulary cards below. Zip of jpg version.

Find additional trainings via the Georgia System of Care Calendar
Through the Georgia SOC, there are a number of trainings and workforce development opportunities available for SOC Providers, families and community members.
The Training Calendar shows the different training opportunities that SOC partners are offering. To learn more about a specific training, such as how to enroll, click on the name of the training, which is located on the date the training takes place. To see which training sessions are appropriate for different audiences, use (click) the Calendars (Everyone, Parents, Professionals, Youth & Young Adults) filter located on the bottom left side of the calendar.
Access the calendar here.
(BBB) is a collaboration of state and local, public and private organizations dedicated to promoting awareness and education about the importance of early brain development in the healthy growth and development of infants and young children in Georgia.
Family Connection Trainers:
Gabrielle Stewart - RM
The Connections Matter Georgia initiative is a collaboration between the Georgia Center for Child Advocacy and Prevent Child Abuse Georgia. The training curriculum is an evidence informed curriculum, developed using a robust body of literature by Dr. Linda Chamberlain and adapted for Georgia specific audiences. View curriculum evaluation report here.
For more information or to learn how to receive this training, contact Lea Fantom To learn more about the training, visit Connections Matter Georgia (
Family Connection Trainers:
Child Welfare Training Collaborative –
You can schedule virtual or in-person trainings for your community here.
View the Training Calendar here.
Access the only self-paced Trauma/Brain 101 training here.
In-Person and Virtual Trainings offered. View descriptions here.
Trauma 101: Understanding the Impact of Trauma on Children
Brain 101: Understanding the Impact of Trauma on the Brain
In-Person and Virtual Trainings offered here.
Trauma to Resilience: Strategies to Support Children's Well-Being
Recognizing and Managing Secondary Traumatic Stress
Psychological Safety: A Pathway to Resilience
Differences are Good: An Exploration of Cultural Competence
D2L is a non-profit committed to empowering adults to prevent child sexual abuse. Stewards of Children® is an adult-focused prevention training program that centers on improving the awareness of the prevalence, consequences, and circumstances of child sexual abuse (CSA). The training aims to educate adults to prevent, recognize, and react responsibly to CSA.
For more information or to learn how to receive this training, contact Lea Fantom To learn more about the training, visit
Family Connection Trainer:
Mental Health First Aid is a skills-based training course that teaches participants about mental health and substance-use issues.
Question, Persuade, Refer (QPR)
The QPR mission is to reduce suicidal behaviors and save lives by providing innovative, practical and proven suicide prevention training. The signs of crisis are all around us. We believe that quality education empowers all people, regardless of their background, to make a positive difference in the life of someone they know.
Standards of Quality for Family Strengthening & Support Virtual Certification Training
The nationally adopted Standards of Quality for Family Strengthening & Support integrate and operationalize the Principles of Family Support Practice and the Strengthening Families Framework and its research-based evidence-informed 5 Protective Factors.
Family Connection Trainer: LaDonna Collins - Floyd
Trust-Based Relational Intervention
Caregiver Training is a group in-person parent training program. TBRI consists of three sets of harmonious principles: Connecting, Empowering, and Correcting. These principles can be used in homes, schools, orphanages, residential treatment centers, and other environments. They are designed to be used by parents and caregivers with children and youth of all ages and risk levels.
Family Connection Practitioners:
For more information or to learn how to receive this training, contact Adrienne Reeves at learn more about TBRI®, visit Karyn Purvis Institute of Child Development ( and/or find a TBRI Practitioner here.
Visit our events page to see a schedule of TBRI events for NW GA.