Compassion Fatigue Resources
Professional Quality of Life - English

Professional Quality of Life - Spanish

According to the American Phycological Association's article "Are you experiencing compassion fatigue?", there are a few concrete ways to address this type of fatigue.
Start with awareness, recognizing the signs of fatigue. They recommend a free assessment called the Professional Quality of Life (ProQol) that measures symptoms and assesses compassion satisfaction - "the positive emotions associated with helping others, such as happiness, pride and satisfaction."
Be intentional about your self-care routine. In short, self-care is everything you do related to staying healthy and has spiritual, physical, intellectual, emotional, sensory and social aspects.
WEBSITES - Professional quality of life information, including compassion fatigue/burnout Professional Quality of Life Scale self-test - Self-care quiz, articles - Information for caregivers - Information and articles for post-traumatic stress syndrome survivors and their caregivers
How Can I Help? Stories and Reflections on Service, by Ram Dassand Paul Gorman (Knopf, 1985) 256 pages, approximately $12
The Truth about Burnout: How Organizations Cause Personal Stress and What to Do About It, Christina Maslachand Michael P. Leiter (JosseyBass, 1997) 200 pages, approximately $25
The Relaxation and Stress Reduction Workbook, by Martha Davis, 360 pages, approximately $ 23
Fried: Why You Burn Out and How to Revive, by Joan Borysenko, Ph.D., 146 pages, approximately $18

Be Your Own LifeSAVERS
As part of the Building a Region of Resilience initiative, we have been working with school administrators and staff to encourage positive well-being and promote self-care. The Be Your Own LifeSAVERs YouTube channel was created to share best practices in self-care and promote wellness among school staff. Although geared towards school system employees, the concepts in this program are applicable to everyone. This is a great place to start your self-care journey. Videos with new tips are shared via the YouTube channel on the 15th of each month. An incentive raffle program is active through April 2022, and participants only need to experience the self-care tip and complete a short survey to be entered in the monthly drawing for a $25 gift card. Subscribe to the channel to ensure you don't miss a video or access to the contest!
Your Mental Health Matters
Check out Fannin County Family Connection mental health series. Each video covers a unique mental health strengthening topic.
Check out this Self Care video from our partners at Georgia HOPE. This video is part of a playlist: Speaking of HOPE. Access the full playlist here.