Poverty 101: A Case for a Poverty-Informed Approach
Taking your self-guided journey
View each slideshow and follow along with the full content and debrief questions in your study guide.
Use the buttons under each module slideshow to access additional resources for the content of each module.
Download and print the Poverty 101 Workbook to keep notes and plan to incorporate learning.
Test your knowledge and understanding after each module to determine if you need additional capacity building.
Poverty Competency Assessment from Dr. Donna Beegle's "See the Difference...
It's often hard to determine where to start and what to work on to build poverty-competencies and provide poverty-informed programs and services. This assessment activity will help you determine where you and your organization are, what you are currently doing well and where you may need to focus extra energy.
We suggest completing this before visiting the Resilient Georgia Training Roadmap, aha! Process Bridges Out of Poverty training website, and/or Communication Across Barriers. This will help you focus your energies and time on the areas of greatest need on your journey to poverty-competency.
In addition to the training roadmap below, don't forget to check out our Poverty Videos & Playlists page for videos, YouTube channels and playlists.

Resilient GA Training Roadmap
The implementation of a poverty-informed approach is an ongoing organizational paradigm shift. The trainings listed on the map (click each icon/building for a comprehensive downloadable list by sector) are divided into 4 levels as defined by the Missouri Model: Trauma Aware, Trauma Sensitive, Trauma Responsive, and Trauma informed. These trainings can support organizations and communities in building capacity to provide compassionate approaches to families in the crisis of poverty.