Realities of Poverty Resources

United for
Who is ALICE?
ALICE (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed) may be a relative or friend. You may be ALICE. As cashiers, waiters, child care providers, and other members of our essential workforce, ALICE earns just above the Federal Poverty Level but less than what it costs to make ends meet. These struggling households are forced to make impossible choices each day. While such hardship is pervasive, households of color are disproportionately ALICE.
ALICE also represents the data reshaping the dialogue on financial hardship, and a grassroots movement that is picking up steam across half of U.S. states - and counting.
Workforce Housing
Find out more about workforce housing in this short video from Cottage Grove in MN:
Learn more about "workforce housing" realities in Georgia:
McKinney Vento Act
See the most recent McKinney Vento data in the Georgia Department of Education's FY20EHCY Annual Report.
Learn more about Georgia's Point in Time Count of homelessness:
See 2020 statistics on homelessness published by the United States Interagency Council on Homelessness here. Check out their interactive state map to compare homelessness subsets with other states.
TANF, Living Wages & The Cliff Effect
Want to assist families in applying for TANF, visit the DFCS website.
Georgians with 1 adult and 3 children in the household need to make $34.54 per hour to make it without help. You can find your county living wage report at
Circles USA: research, blogs and information related to the Cliff Effect and best practices in creating systems change.
Family Independence Initiative - research and resources.
Living-wage calculator: calculate the living wage for Georgia counties and metropolitan areas.
Feeding America: the nation’s largest domestic hunger-relief organization.
Building Resilience in Students Impacted by Adverse Childhood Experiences: A Whole-Staff Approach by Victoria E. Romero, Ricky Robertson , and Amber N. Warner