Learning Event Series
A Journey to Action:
Driving Forward Systems Change
Picking up from where we left off in 2023, this year's event series was focused on reinforcing the community's understanding of systems change and engaging partners in county-specific action planning to create change.
Through April and May, 5 events were held, hosting 150 participants. Participants began by reviewing the systems change maps created in 2023 and exploring the possible types of system change: program, policy/procedure, and environmental change. They deepened their understanding of systems change with an interactive activity breaking down intention, action, and stakeholders needed to move forward transformational change efforts.
BRR Leadership outlined an 8-step approach to advocating for change (download our handout - Advocacy and the Process of Systems Change). The process created 14 county-level action plans outlining steps for system changes. Planned changes include:
Establishing Mental Health Youth Advisory Councils for middle and high school students
Incorporating trauma resources into program and service delivery
Increasing coordination among collaborative partners to support kinship care families
Launching Handle With Care
Promoting the Basics Principles
Check out each county's action plan below and get involved with change that builds resilience!