Building a Region of Resilience Reports

Building a Region of Resilience Northwest Georgia Annual Report 2024 

Final Report BRRNWGA FY 2024.pdf

Charting a Path to Resilience

Annual Report 2023

A Journey To Action Summary

Through this series of events, we hoped to identify common themes for meeting needs and positive changes that the Family Connection Collaboratives of NW GA can work together to address and implement. You can see what we learned and the implications for our work in FY24 in the summary report. 

Check out the maps from 

3. Journey To Action - Summary Report -FINAL.pdf

FY23 Qualitative Evaluation Report

4. Final BRR Qualitative Report _07.19.23.pdf

FY23 Survey Evaluation Report

5. Final Community Survey Report 2023_07.12.23.pdf